Monday, March 28, 2011

A Complialation of Scotty Ward Smith's "Signs You're Growing in Grace"

I've really enjoyed following Scotty Smith, Pastor of Christ Community Church in Franklin TN, on twitter (@scottywardsmith) he's written so much that's been good for my soul. I've especially been encouraged by his "signs you are growing in grace" tweets. They've really challenged, encouraged, and provoked much thought in me. I decided to compile some of the ones that have really hit me hard. This is not an exhaustive list, nor should it be used as a means of condemnation or rule-keeping legalism, but it should aid in probing your own heart, help you see more your need for Christ and drive you further to him, encourage you and build assurance, or give you something to think about and point out in fellow brothers and sisters in your church or in your own family:

- "You handle your failures with honesty, humility, and hope."

- "You blame less, and forebear more."

- "Your recovery time from irritability, resentment and smugness is getting shorter."

- "No matter what anyone says about you, you realize the cross is your greatest critic and cure."

- "You are quicker at seeing and grieving YOUR bad attitude, than noticing anyone else's."

- "You rush to mercy quicker than you rush to judgment."

- "When you weren't invited to an event others were, it hurts, but you don't retaliate."

- "You can tell when you're starting to manupulate people and you nip it in the bud."

- "You don't condescendingly roll your eyes as often or make as many flippant remarks."

- "You long and pray for the Holy Spirit to visit your heart & Church in transforming power."

- "Less and less seems really whine-worthy"

- "You expect to discover more of your need for Jesus today & more of th riches of Jesus."

- "The older you get the more you remember stuff your parents actually did right."

- "You want to trust again more than you want to stay stuck in your hurt."

- "Your inwards groans are getting louder and your eager waiting more intense. Romans 8:23"

- "You know the difference being obsessively busy and providentially busy."

- "The people who know you best would say you live more of a called life than a driven life."

- "You know you're not anywhere close to being as free as Jesus intends."

- "You boast IN your weaknesses but you don't boast about them. They don't define you."

- "You don't live by the frowns and judgments of professional weaker brothers."

- "You know the difference between dialouge and diatribe when discussing theological matters."

- "You're beter about responding to calls and invitations, and sending thank you notes."

- "If you don't know, you don't pretend you do."

- "You don't feel the need to pose and pretend as often or as much."

- "You spend way less time stuck in the paralysis of analysis"

- "Because of God's grace at work in your heart, it's getting harder to gossip, nag & snarl."

- "The gap between your sound doctrine and your actual discipleship is narrowing."

- "You repend freely and regularly, to your spouse and children"

- "You grieve how touchy, pouty and defensive you can be."

- "People you're talking with don't just hear your words but experience your presence."

- "You recognize quicker when you're importing last year's anger into today's disappointment."

- "You practice the anatomical ratio of ears to mouth: Listening twice as much as talking."

- "The more you understand your union with Christ the more you crave communion with him."

- "Repentance is becoming less something YOU do and more Someone you trust, namely Jesus."

- "Your cry for a changed heart is louder than your cry for relief."

- "There are fewer pages in the little book in which you keep a record of wrongs done to you."

- "You notice a person's dignity before you notice their depravity."

- "The time lapse between the Spirit's convicting and your repenting is much shorter."

- "Your use of caller ID reflects your commitment to love well, not simply avoid people"

- "What you are behind the steering wheel is a demonstration of the power of the gospel."

- "You don't violate confidences. You can be trusted with the brokenness of others."

- "You think about fixing people less and loving them more."

- "You don't trust signs, just Jesus."

- "You don't objecify your chuch for criticism. You weep with her as a member of the family"

- "You find yourself choosing to use the phrase, "you don't get me" less and less."

- "It takes minutes not weeks to recognize when you've fallen back into works righteousness."

- "Your theology always leads to doxology, not merely to you being more right than others."

- "Compliments don't intoxicate you and criticism doesn't decimate you."

- "You don't linger at religious TV programming just to fuel contempt & make snide remarks."

- "Your thoughts of heaven are more about the transforming of this world than escaping it."

- "You feel like you're just beggining to appreciate all the riches and depth of John 3:16"

- "Less cynicism about other people's sins and more tears over your own"

- "It's getting easier not to retaliate, get even, or even crave god's vengeance ."

- "You're increasingly less quarrelsome, sarcastic and easily offended."

- "You're content, even glad knowing that God sometimes answers your prayers with "no"."

- "You've got a whole lot more confidence in Jesus' prayers than yours"

- "The word "idolatry" makes you think about your heart more so than Greek temples."

- "When you think about "blessings" from God, suffering makes your list."

- "You don't debate eschatology, you live it."

- "The more you learn about Jesus and the gospel the more you realize how little YOU know."

- "The gospel still astonishes & humbles you. It's not just cliche or the name of your tribe."

- "You don't use your car horn to curse bad drivers, but appropriately caution & warn them."

- "Not texting or reading emails on your pda while driving, with or without kids."

- A commitment to pray for people you'd really rather gossip about.

- "Still being gracious to telemarketers when they call your protected phone number."

- "A commitment to give your spouse focused, unrushed attention at the END of the day."

- "You talk about your justification 10 times more than your victimization."

- "You throw less pity-parties, because you go to Jesus quicker than to self-contempt"

- "Your repentances come quicker with less pouting, excuses and vain promises."

- "You catch people "doing it right" in a 3-1 ratio to "doing it wrong".

- "You long for your heart to come more fully alive to the love of Jesus."

- "When telling your story, you end up talking about Jesus more than you."

- "You love hearing Jesus' name exalted and you're not as pained when you don't hear yours."

- "You know, that given the right circumstances, there is no sin you're beyond committing."

- "For every one look at yourself you take ten looks at Jesus- your righteousness and peace."

- "One by one, God's perfect loe for you in Jesus is exposing and driving out your fears."

- " You're thankful Jesus hasn't just forgiven all your sins, but also all your good works"

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Peter's Denial

"Peter said to him, Lord, I am ready to go with you both to prison and death. Jesus said, "I tell you, Peter, the rooster will not crow three times this day, until you deny me three times that you do not know me" (Luke 22:33-34)

Peter's response resonates with me: In the height of spiritual fervor, Peter thinks he is finally ready to give Jesus his "100%," but Jesus knew what was in the heart of man. It was why He came into the world. We have an complete inability to earn God's favor on our own. Jesus, in His omniscience, knew what Peter was going to do in all of its horrible detail. That's what omniscience means--Jesus knows all of our pasts and all of our futures in full HD.

Considering this, I got to thinking about the times I come to Jesus, promising to do all sorts of things for Him: "Oh yea! I'm gonna tackle the Word. I'm gonna do this and that, I'm ready to do anything for you Lord." Little do I know that, in under an hour, I'll end up screaming at a car that cuts me off, or fall into some other sin.

Yet, this passage is not just another reminder about the depravity of man; it reveals something extraordinary about the God we serve, His faithful love. He knows everything we are going to do, and yet does not cast us off. Though Peter denied Jesus, the Lord of all, Jesus never denied Peter. As Christians, we can be comforted by the fact that our sin does not take God by surprise. He knows what we are going to do in EXACT detail. It did not stop him from going to the cross. And because of the cross, we can have confidence that God is always pleased with us, and that He is doing something real and absolutely effective about our sin.

So, do you find yourself you discouraged by your failures or taken by surprise by your sin? Don't be, God's not. He is saying to you, "I know you failed, I knew you were going to fail the last time you came to me in prayer, and exactly when and how. But you are still my child, what you did was paid for with the blood of my son, you are justified."

This does not mean we should be slacking in personal holiness, but should enable us to pursue holiness in the freedom of knowing, "Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord"(Romans 8:39).

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Beautiful Timing

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11)

"He has made everything beautiful in its time" (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

I am so impatient. I love the Jeremiah verse, but I don't know about you, but I find myself wondering most of the time, "ok, so when are these plans gonna happen?" I wanna know the when, more than I want to take God at his word. Waiting is hard, sometimes I adopt an attitude of, "you know NOW would be a good time for you to do this." The verse in Ecclesiastes has been an encouragement to me. This verse always helps me to remember, that God's timing is so much superior to my own. In my sinful arrogance, I actually believe I know when God should deliver and do things, that God should work to my time table. But I am realizing more and more that I need to trust the he is good in his dealings with his children and he is good in the timing of everything. Waiting is hard, and it stinks but that waiting should not lead me to impatience and bitterness, but should drive me to cling to Christ even more. We are called to trust that not only will he do good, but that his timing is good as well. This verse says it's BEAUTIFUL! This is a great promise that we can trust.

Don't give into impatience or cynicism, remember God does have good plans for you, and we are to take him at his word, not question the when or how or whatever, but follow and trust the one who says so. His timing will always be better than you can dream. Rest in his word, not how you feel. He is for you and wants you to trust him.