Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Does The Lord Hear My Cries?

Have there been times in your prayer life, when you feel like you're unable to put into words what you're feeling? or that your lack of appropriate language will jeopardize you prayers? I often wonder whether God really hears me. I often get really frustrated and then discouraged because I think that God won't hear me if I can't put my anxieties, feelings, or thoughts into words correctly. I foolishly believe that God's faithfulness to hear my prayers is contingent on me having adequate words. This bit of scripture and quote from theologian A.W. Pink returned to my attention and greatly encouraged me. We Christians come to a heavenly father who truly cares for us, communication will never be a problem with God. He knows, he hears, and will care for us.

"It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking I will hear" (Isaiah 65:24)

There is no cause for fearing that the petitions of the righteous will not be heard, or that their sighs and tears shall escape the notice of God, since he knows the thoughts and intents of the hearts. There is no danger of the individual saint being overlooked amidst the multitude of supplicants who daily and hourly present their various petitions, for an infinite mind is as capable as paying the same attention to millions as if only one individual were seeking its attention. So too the lack of appropriate language, the inability to give expression to the deepest longing of the soul, will not jeopardize our prayers ("The Attributes of God")

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Freedom to Love

This is a section from Pastor Tullian Tchvidjian's book Surprised by Grace. If you have not read it, I highly recommend you pick it up. Reading it has helped me see how I need the gospel EVERY day, its not the first step we leave behind once we are saved, but is the medicine we need each and every day. The following section was one of my favorites, Tullian draws it out more, but this section is the crux. It has helped me in seeing how, as a believer, God's love for me should affect how I love and treat others.

In Jesus, we also have all the affection we long for. The gospel rescues us from the fear of not being loved as well as our fear of loving. The gospel tells us that God in Christ loved us a lot -- even while we hated him. Fully realizing this will pave the way for us to love others unconditionally as well. We realize and experience this liberating truth: "By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers." (1 John 3:16) This kind of lay-down-your-life love is the clearest indicator of a gospel centered life. But laying down your life is impossible. It's too scary -- unless you know you've been eternally loved by Christ. Then your free to give your life to others, because you've received so much yourself.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What is the Bible Basically About?

Confession: I've always had a hard time with the old testament. All the strange stories for the longest time never made sense to me. In my confusion, I've often been tempted to just stay away from the old testament and stick to the new testament. The thing is, ALL the bible is God's word, all of it is "sharper than any two-edged sword" all of it is vital. But what has the old testament have to do with Jesus?

Awhile back I came across this video by Tim Keller, pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York. I find myself coming back to it because it has really encouraged and helped me in seeing how everything in the old testament points to Christ; that the stories and scenes are shadows of the glorious gospel to be revealed. All of if is dripping with gospel truth that has since shaped how I view the old testament. I hope it encourages you and spurs you on toward more reading. This is what the bible is really about.