Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What is the Bible Basically About?

Confession: I've always had a hard time with the old testament. All the strange stories for the longest time never made sense to me. In my confusion, I've often been tempted to just stay away from the old testament and stick to the new testament. The thing is, ALL the bible is God's word, all of it is "sharper than any two-edged sword" all of it is vital. But what has the old testament have to do with Jesus?

Awhile back I came across this video by Tim Keller, pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York. I find myself coming back to it because it has really encouraged and helped me in seeing how everything in the old testament points to Christ; that the stories and scenes are shadows of the glorious gospel to be revealed. All of if is dripping with gospel truth that has since shaped how I view the old testament. I hope it encourages you and spurs you on toward more reading. This is what the bible is really about.

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