I've found that I have a twisted mindset when it comes to prayer. Do you ever feel discouraged or stressed and think that if you don't pray the right way or for the adequate amount of time that God won't hear you? I get like this, especially in times when I have a friend who is going through some trial (physical pain, stress, anxiety, ect.) I feel like I need to get this right, or God won't answer or help this person. I know it's stupid, but it is seriously the mindset I adopt without even knowing it. The other night I read something by Charles Spurgeon that convicted and humbled me:
"The prayer which moves the arm of God is still a bruised and battered prayer and moves that arm because the sinless one, the great mediator has stepped in to take away the sin of our supplication."
I was reminded that evening, that nothing I say or do moves God. It is strictly and completely Christ. God not only sees HIS righteousness but he also hears and acts upon HIS prayers which filter my own. This takes a tremendous burden off of me, b/c I am forced to depend wholly on Jesus. I am a sinner through and through and even my best works, the bible say, are but filthy rags. I don't need to worry about getting my prayer right, I simply need to ask God and rejoice in the fact that Christ is praying for me and that the holy spirit is communicating with groans that words cannot express. Lets let that embolden us to come before God with anything. If you are in Christ, God delights for you to come to him with your requests, and this is only because of Christ.